Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Call us +301 907 9244

Do You Need Help?

Do you need some support?  We’re here to help you. We offer in-house services, as well as a list of community resources.

Please contact us by phone 301-907-9244 or email

In-house services

  • Outreach Team for people experiencing street homelessness or living in places not meant for human habitation.
  • Eviction Prevention: Contact 
  • Meal Program: Monday through Friday, 11-12 at the Church in Bethesda 5033 Wilson Ln
  • Supportive Services for client enrolled in our housing programs.
  • Hypothermia response in multiple communities for persons unhoused.

List of Community Resources


Domestic Violence

Emergency Shelters


Mental and Physical Health

Pet Food Banks

Rental Assistance

Substance Abuse


Veterans Services

Victims Services


Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
Offers several “hubs” with access to clothing

Interfaith Works
Has essentials for clients to “shop”

National Center for Children and Families
Offers children’s clothing

Emergency Shelters

Crisis Center for Montgomery County
Provides immediate response to crisis situations for all residents of Montgomery County, Maryland. The center provides goal-oriented crisis intervention, brief crisis stabilization, and help in obtaining services for individuals and families with a mental health crisis or experiencing other crisis situations.

Hours: Open 24/7
Phone: 240-777-4000
Address: 1301 Piccard Dr, Rockville Maryland 20850

InterFaith Works
Provides a range of services for low income and homeless in Montgomery county.


Manna Food Center
Strives to eliminate hunger in Montgomery County through food distribution, education, and advocacy.

Disability Resource Network
List of grocery and meal services throughout Montgomery County:

Bethesda Help
Will deliver shelf-stable food to clients. Call to connect with services

Nourishing Bethesda
Clients can pick up food by appointment

Mental and Physical Health

Promotes mental wellness and supports those with mental illness by sponsoring and implementing advocacy, education and community service programs.  Montgomery County Hotline 301.738.CALL (2255)

Mobile Health Care
Provides health care for the uninsured in Montgomery County.

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (of Montgomery County)
Offers educational programs to the public on mental illness and has support groups for families of those with mental illness.

Mary’s Center
Provides dental, medical and behavioral health services.

Vesta Community Health Care
Comprehensive and ongoing services for adults, children, and adolescents with a range of psychological needs—including serious mental illness

Pet Food Banks

Montgomery County Humane Society
Local branch of Humane Society offers food pickup for Montgomery County residents

Chompers Food Bank
Run by the Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County

Montgomery County Resource List
This document lists pet food banks across the state, by county

Rental Assistance

Montgomery County Rental Assistance Program
Montgomery County Maryland (

Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County
Housing Opportunities Commission – Home (

Gilchrest Immigrant Resource Center
Additional list of affordable/moderate priced housing

Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ Resource List
Additional list of housing resources

Sustainable Housing Assistance Rental Program (SHARP)
Provides housing stability for residents of DC who are HIV+

Substance Abuse

Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Quit Smoking Maryland
The Maryland Tobacco Quitline offers free, confidential services to provide support and information for those trying to kick the habit.
Tobacco Quitline

Treatment Centers Directory
Find help for drug or alcohol addiction where you live in Maryland.


Department of Health and Human Services
Utility Assistance Program

Catholic Charities Center
Clients need to be added to case manager and then can get assistance up to $400

Salvation Army: National Capital Area Command
WSSC water fund, apply online

It’s also recommended to contact the utility company directly

Veterans Services

Outreach to Veterans
A Maryland State outreach and referral initiative designed to serve those that have served our country.
Veterans Communications, Outreach and Advocacy

Montgomery County provides a Veterans Network directory of providers, agencies of providers, agencies, businesses and advocacy organizations that offer resources for people with disabilities.
Veterans Directory

Serving Together
ServingTogether is EveryMind’s commitment to veterans, active duty military, and their families. The site offers a broad overview of available resources.

Victims Services

Victims Assistance and Sexual Assault Program
Assistance for survivors of crime, including referral, advocacy, crisis and ongoing counseling and SANE exams

Witness Assistance
Help ensure that victims and witnesses are afforded reasonable protection and the information to assist them with coping and recovering from the effects of crime.
Phone: 240-773-5626

Domestic violence

House of Ruth
Offers a range of services, including 24 hour crisis line and legal services

Sheriff’s Office for Domestic Violence Services Directory
List of services across Montgomery County