Montgomery County offers a wide range of social services for people in need:
Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Bethesda Help
Offers area residents with short term food and eviction assistance as well as transportation to those who don’t access public transportation.
Cornerstone Montgomery
Provides services and housing to those suffering mental illness.
Crisis Center for Montgomery County
Provides immediate response to crisis situations for all residents of Montgomery County, Maryland. The center provides goal-oriented crisis intervention, brief crisis stabilization, and help in obtaining services for individuals and families with a mental health crisis or experiencing other crisis situations.
Hours: Open 24/7
Phone: 240-777-4000
Address: 1301 Piccard Dr, Rockville Maryland 20850
InterFaith Works
Provides a range of services for low income and homeless in Montgomery county.
Legal Aid Bureau
Offers low cost legal assistance to those in need.
Manna Food Center
Strives to eliminate hunger in Montgomery County through food distribution, education, and advocacy.
Promotes mental wellness and supports those with mental illness by sponsoring and implementing advocacy, education and community service programs. Montgomery County Hotline 301.738.CALL (2255)
Mobile Health Care
Provides health care for the uninsured in Montgomery County.
Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
Offers advocacy and training for interested citizens and services to the homeless.
Montgomery County Government
Offers a wide range of services to residents. Department of Health and Human Services offers emergency assistance to those facing eviction/utility shut-off. Health clinics are available for the uninsured. The Department of Housing and Community Affairs lists affordable units just to name a few services.
Residents may call 240-777-1295 for assistance in navigating the services available.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (of Montgomery County)
Offers educational programs to the public on mental illness and has support groups for families of those with mental illness.
Outreach to Veterans
A Maryland State outreach and referral initiative designed to serve those that have served our country.
Montgomery County provides a Veterans Network directory of providers, agencies of providers, agencies, businesses and advocacy organizations that offer resources for people with disabilities.
Quit Smoking (Virtual Community)
Quit Smoking Community is a virtual community that offers support and information for those trying to kick the habit.
Serving Together
ServingTogether is EveryMind’s commitment to veterans, active duty military, and their families. The site offers a broad overview of available resources.
Victim/Witness Assistance
Help ensure that victims and witnesses are afforded reasonable protection and the information to assist them with coping and recovering from the effects of crime.
Phone: 240-773-5626
Treatment Centers Directory
Find help for drug or alcohol addiction where you live in Maryland.
National Resources on Homelessness and Related Issues:
Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project
Strives to help local, state, and federal policymakers and criminal justice and mental health professionals improve the response to people with mental illnesses who come into contact with the criminal justice system.
Housing and Urban Development (US Department)
Provides information on homelessness, housing programs and assistance.
Inter-Agency Council on Homelessness
Provides examples of best practices.
National Alliance to End Homelessness
Works collaboratively with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to build state and local capacity, leading to stronger programs and policies that help homeless individuals and families make positive changes in their lives.
National Coalition for the Homeless
Works to bring about the systemic changes necessary to prevent and end homelessness and to protect the rights of people experiencing homelessness by engaging in policy advocacy.
National Institute of Mental Health
Posts studies on aspects of mental illness.
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
Strives to prevent and end homelessness by serving as the legal arm of the nationwide movement to end homelessness.
National Mental Health Association
Provides a wide range of services for people of all ages to promote mental health.
National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness
Strives to ensure that national homelessness policy accurately reflects the needs and experiences of local communities.
Policy Research Associates
Hosts a library of research on issues of homelessness.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Provide information on alcohol and drug abuse, provides studies on aspects of the diseases.
Veterans Affair (US Department)
Provides information on veterans’ programs country wide.